Today we're looking at 8 ways in which trauma may present itself. I first came across people dealing with trauma back in the early 90's whilst working at a psychiatric hospital in England. Of course back then, trauma wasn't really something which was understood by the average m'man on the street'. However, fast forward 30+ years later and I don't really have to define it for many of us to grasp what it means. If we haven't endured at least one traumatic experience in our lives, I willing to bet that you know somebody who has. I feel I should start by saying that only a small percentage of people who experience trauma will develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). So that said, what exactly is trauma? Or more to the point PTSD? Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is … [Read more...] about What trauma may look like
blog posts for trainee hypnotherapists
Aspects of running a small business
Who may benefit from this article The purpose of this post is to provide a high-level view of the key aspects of running a small business or hypnotherapy practice. We'd like you to consider this a starting point, before conducting further research on these points. A few groups of people who may find this information useful. These are student hypnotherapists, new hypnotherapists and those who have a practice, not meeting its target profit. However, running a business doesn't always come naturally and it is these businesses which may benefit from the information we're sharing today.Having said that, there are aspects of running a hypnotherapy business which also apply to running any small business. When you first start your business, it's a really exciting time and it's easy to … [Read more...] about Aspects of running a small business
Are you in control of your destiny?
Have you ever wondered about the destiny of your clinical hypnotherapy practice? Lately, I've been questionning how much of this is in our own hands...and how much of it is simply in the hands of others...or whether much of it is down to a really big slice of luck. What are your thoughts? After weighing everything up for a while, I've reached the conclusion that the destiny of my own clinical hypnotherapy practice is partly wherever I want it to be. Let me explain what that means. On the one hand, you could be lucky and have a friend offer you a room in their business suite, for you to use as your business premises, free of charge, for as long as you like.And that would be lucky, huh? But how many of us know friends in such high places? And for those of us who don't have friends … [Read more...] about Are you in control of your destiny?
To plan, or not to plan?
If I were to ask you 'what type of person are you'? What would your answer be? Are you a planner? Or, do you just 'hope for the best', with no real plan in mind? I guess I used to be a planner, but I've moved a little away from that in more recent years and I'm now more of a 'suck it and see' kind of person, with a healthy mix of planning. This move away from rigid planning has actually served me well, as a hypnotherapist. I wonder why that would be...and which is the best way? The case for planning: Planning in the form of scripts, can be a valuable learning tool, when used with flexibility i.e fit the tool to the client, not the client to the tool. It can allow the inexperienced therapist some reassurance. It can stop you going off on a tangent, if you have a … [Read more...] about To plan, or not to plan?
Does ‘word of mouth’ work?
Ok folks (I mean hypnotherapy practitioners, hypnotherapy practitioners in training, and those considering embarking on hypnotherapy practitioner courses), listen up, because I'm about to dispell a commonly taught myth. When I was undergoing hypnotherapy training, we were taught that 'word of mouth' referrals just don't happen in the realm of hypnotherapy practice. And I totally believed it because, when the reasons why were explained, it made total sense. The reason, by the way, is that clients often see us for issues for which they are ashamed, so they aren't going to be broadcasting that 'there's this brilliant hypnotherapist just down the road'. As I said, it made perfect sense! However, let me tell you that it does work: you just need to know how to use it. So, how do you use … [Read more...] about Does ‘word of mouth’ work?
3 ways to get out of a rut at work
If you feel as though you're stuck in a rut at work, or you feel that your work life is causing you to feel burnout, then this is the post for you. In today's post, we're going to suggest 3 ways that you can get out of that rut, or avoid burnout. If there's anything I can relate to, it's being in a work rut! Indeed, it's a funny place to be really, because on the one hand you're unhappy (or unfulfilled, or whatever), but on the other hand, you're not quite ready to bail. Maybe there's still enough parts of your job that still excite you, or maybe you're eternal optimist and you believe things will get better next week/month/year. Whichever of these sound familiar to you, I hope that you get something positive out of today's post. So, what can you do to get out of that work rut? May … [Read more...] about 3 ways to get out of a rut at work
What is it like to be a hypnotherapist?
I remember when I was training to be a clinical hypnotherapist and how we were encouraged to practice on clients from about 6 months or so into the course. Once I started seeing clients though, it really wasn't long at all before I realised that hypnotherapy really works. I mean, it really works! I even remember how one client was visibly shaken at just how much she recalled when we were doing some regression work. I'd taken her right back to her first day at school and she even managed to recall the covers and names of books that were on a bookshelf. It was at this point that I realised 2 things: How powerful hypnotherapy can be and How I probably should have warned my client that she'd remember things so clearly But on that last point, I really didn't know that she would … [Read more...] about What is it like to be a hypnotherapist?
Video call alternative to Zoom and MSTeams?
In this post, we suggested a Zoom alternative that you might already be paying for. However, we've also received a suggestion from a video-call provider, who are used frequently by GP's and some NHS facilities. And the best news? It's free! Obviously I can't guarantee it will stay that way, but it's worth giving it a go. I took a look last night and it does look very promising. Check out Doxy.Me now. Need help? We offer hypnotherapy both online and face to face, as well as in your own home, if you're a blue badge holder living within approx' 10 miles of WF14 9ED. To book, just send us your availability over the next 10 to 14 days and we'll set up an initial consultation, to see how we can help you move on with your life: Use our online contact form. Via text/SMS to 07808 … [Read more...] about Video call alternative to Zoom and MSTeams?
Thoughtful Thursday
It's Friday-eve folks, and we're kicking it off by launching a new, regular post which encourages you to join in and share your thoughts, experience and ideas. And we have to tell you, we're pretty excited about it! The new spot is called Thoughtful Thursday and the intention is to post it weekly, on a Thursday. This week's question is: What's the biggest obstacle(s) that you had to overcome in order to become a hypnotherapist? As for myself, I had a few obstacles that I needed to work on. Some were solved relatively quickly, but one of the issues took a lot of work, as it was fundamental to my personality. Intrigued? The thing is, I'm bit of an introvert really and didn't always find it easy to talk to people, even though I wanted to help them. So, I worked hard making some … [Read more...] about Thoughtful Thursday
Zoom alternative
Edited to add: check out Doxy.Me for a FREE alternative to both Zoom and MSTeams. Hopefully some of you might find this tip helpful... Zoom have now starting enforcing the 40 minute limit for their free accounts. To be honest, the amount they're charging for a paid account probably isn't cost prohibitive for most people, but it is worth checking whether you have access to similar services, that you're already paying for. If you have a paid subscription to Microsoft 365, then you likely have access to MS Teams for no additional charge. Having done a spot of Googling a few days ago, it did seem that MS subscribers should be able to access MS Teams without further charge. However, I also came across some very conflicting information. Hence, I've done some testing of my own and can … [Read more...] about Zoom alternative