Here are 11 signs that your mental health needs addressing: 1. Reduced energy. 2. Appetite changes - eating too much or too little. 3. No longer finding pleasure in things that you once enjoyed. 4. Small tasks which you used to find easy, start to feel overwhelming. 5. Your to-do list is expanding as you start to avoid things that need doing. 6. Experiencing higher levels of stress or snaxiety, which makes it significantly more difficult to function. 7. You have become withdrawn from family and friends because sociliasing seems to difficult or overwhelming. 8. You are having trouble getting off to sleep and/or staying asleep and wake on multiple occasions for no apparent reason. 9. You're arguing with those around you more than usual. 10. You're having … [Read more...] about 11 signs that your mental health needs attention
Stuck in a “tug of war”, anyone?
If you're struggling with an unwanted emotion, it's like being in a permanent tug of war, where there's a monster on the other end of the rope and a massive hole in the middle. That monster represents all of the thoughts and emptions that you don't want to have. You expect that, if you just keep fighting harder, the monester won't win and you want fall into the pit. And the more you fight, the harder it gets, because you start to get exhausted...yet the monster stands there a strongly as he did at the beginning. It feels like you just can't win! So, you edge closer and closer to the pit in the middle and the more you try to control the monster, the more the monster pulls back. But what if there was another way? What if you just let go of the rope and just allow the monster to … [Read more...] about Stuck in a “tug of war”, anyone?
10 anxiety hacks that you can do NOW
According to Mind, 25% of English people will experience some kind of mental health problem each year in England and, in any given week, approximately 16% of English people report having symptoms of common mental health problem, such as depression and anxiety. The National Health Service (NHS) also report 5% of the UK population has Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), a frequently disabling disorder. Anyone living with anxiety, wherever they are in the world, know that the physical and psychological effects can be very significant and debilitating, such as shortness of breath, sleeping issues, headaches, nausea and and even difficulties securing and sustaining employment. Despite the effects of anxiety frequently being debilitating, there are steps you can take to improve your … [Read more...] about 10 anxiety hacks that you can do NOW
Depression: why withdrawing from the world keeps you ‘stuck’
If you're struggling with low mood and a feeling of "I can't be bothered to do anything right now", this post was written for you. I want to tell you something that many people do when they're depressed, and it's something that keeps them stuck exactly where they are. Low mood essentially generates a powerful urge to do just about everything that will keep you stuck whwre you are, ultimately making your mood worse. For example, say you wake up and you just don't feel good. The natural urge - or the trap that many depressed people fall into - is to cancel your plans, stay in bed and just hide away from the world and everybody in it. And let's be honest sometimes we do need that, right? But the problem is that doing this is addictive because, once you decide to avoid something, you get … [Read more...] about Depression: why withdrawing from the world keeps you ‘stuck’
2 ways to get in touch with nature
Being outdoors can be good for us; it increases our Vitamin D levels (climate and location allowing), and is well known for reducing our stress levels, but if we're an indoor-dwelling types of personality, where - and how - do we get in touch with nature? In today's post, we suggest 2 ways in which you can get in touch with nature. 1. Involve your senses The '5-4-3-2-1 technique' is well-known in psychology, counselling and mindfulness circles. This technique deliberately gets the person to slow down and take in their environment and is often very effective at grounding even the most anxious person. The process starts by first observing the environment and taking in the surroundings. Next, the person identifies: 5 things they can see in as much detail as possible. 4 things they can … [Read more...] about 2 ways to get in touch with nature
3 key conversation starters (mental health)
Many of us have been there, where a loved one is showing some concerning behaviours, struggling to know how to react for the best. In today's post, we suggest some ways that you can start the conversation about their mental health. Talking can change lives and yet we underestimate it all the time. Of course, we can't ever say that we know exactly how somebody suffering feels, but we can say that we're there for them, we're listening and we'll do our best to help. So, what exactly do you say? We'd like to help by offering a few suggestions. Go virtual Taking the talk virtual removes some of the barriers to turning up for the discussion. For example, taking the bus, having to shower and wash our hair, or finding money for the cafe are all potential barriers to turning up to the … [Read more...] about 3 key conversation starters (mental health)