With increased anxiety and depression, and with reduced self-esteem, how do we bring about a positive change in self-reflection, self-care and growth of teenagers? Today's blog post asks this very question. Importance of personal growth Personal growth and self-improvement are important facets of life that aren't merely the preserve of adults. Quite the contrary; they are in fact, key life skills that can help us to better understand ourselves, regardless of life stage. And mastering them can help teenagers enhance their career prospects and enrich their lives. Place2be is a is a children's mental health charity with over 25 years' experience working with pupils, families and staff in UK schools, to improve children's and young people's mental health. The state of childrens' mental … [Read more...] about How can we help teens to achieve emotional growth?
How to get rid of Post-Lockdown anxiety
Are you still feeling anxious and overwhelmed at the thought of going out and socialising again after multiple lock-downs? If you are, then you're not alone. I'm a clinical hypnotherapist and I have some excellent tips to help you get back out there, living the life that you want to live. Many of you who are newly struggling with leaving the house post-lockdowns might be wondering how something that was easy and just felt "normal" now make you feel so anxious". But you know, there's actually a very good reason for this anxiety - and it's not because there's something wrong with you. You see, what we do every day becomes our comfort zone - and it's simply that your comfort zone has changed. But, what happens when you try to leave your comfort zone is that your brain is hard-wired to send … [Read more...] about How to get rid of Post-Lockdown anxiety
1 simple thing to do NOW, to sleep better tonight
Are you struggling to fall asleep because your mind is racing with thoughts and worries? You are not alone; many people suffer from insomnia due to overthinking at night. But don't worry, because we have a simple tip that can help you sleep better. What is it? It's keeping a notebook by your bed. Whenever you have a thought that bothers you or distracts you, just grab your notebook and write it down. How much should you write? You don't have to write a lot; just enough to remind yourself of it in the morning. Alternatively, just write enough to help you off-load your thoughts and feelings. How does this help? Writing in a journal can: Help you clear your mind - we have found that often, when people really think about what's keeping them awake, it is because something is on … [Read more...] about 1 simple thing to do NOW, to sleep better tonight
The power of ‘having a try’
In today's post, we're basically talking about the power of 'having a try'. When I first graduated as a clinical hypnotherapist, I am pretty sure I had very low confidence in my skills, despite having had some great results from my clients and, I think part of the reason was that I just didn't have any sense of direction because I just wanted to go everywhere! Though I had no real clue about where to go first. Running around in circles, with no sense of direction was exhausting and left me feealing frustrated. I'd repeatedly ask myself 'am I good enough?', 'do I have enough skills?' and 'can I do this?'. And when I asked these questions to my friends and family, without exception thay would always answer 'yes', 'yes' and 'yes' to those questions. So why didn't I feel as confident as … [Read more...] about The power of ‘having a try’
3 ways to get out of a rut at work
If you feel as though you're stuck in a rut at work, or you feel that your work life is causing you to feel burnout, then this is the post for you. In today's post, we're going to suggest 3 ways that you can get out of that rut, or avoid burnout. If there's anything I can relate to, it's being in a work rut! Indeed, it's a funny place to be really, because on the one hand you're unhappy (or unfulfilled, or whatever), but on the other hand, you're not quite ready to bail. Maybe there's still enough parts of your job that still excite you, or maybe you're eternal optimist and you believe things will get better next week/month/year. Whichever of these sound familiar to you, I hope that you get something positive out of today's post. So, what can you do to get out of that work rut? May … [Read more...] about 3 ways to get out of a rut at work
How to foster trust from your clients
One question that many of our students ask is "how do I get my clients to trust me)? So, in today's post, we answer that very important question. 1. Offer excellent customer service A client who has received excellent customer service is a happy client, and happy clients tend to inspire trust. Part of providing a good customer service also includes prioritising them because again, happy customers are trusting customers. 2. Publish client reviews and testimonials If you have any client reviews and testimonials, publish these on your website and socials. If you don't collect them currently, consider doing so. 3. Achieve and maintain good rapport Gaining a good, positive rapport with your client or student is going to be key to your relationship with them. This includes putting time and … [Read more...] about How to foster trust from your clients
5 signs of burnout
Here are 5 signs of burnout that we all must know if we want to prevent or resolve it: Sign #1: You feel the need to numb your stress This can be achieved by a number of escapism methods, such as food, illegal drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, sex, gambling etc. Generally, the method of escapism works "too well" for the person, causing the person to keep selecting that as a coping method. Without switching this effective (yet unhealthy) coping method with something just as effective (and healthy), progress is unlikely to be made. The key is to build a list of possible alternatives, which still achieve some kind of escapism, but which are healthy and not relied on excessively. Doing work on confidence and self-esteem, at the same time, can also help. Sign #2: Your memory is affected. Burnout … [Read more...] about 5 signs of burnout
Attention all Hypnotic Universe hypnotherapy clients
Hello everyone, we hope you're having a great weekend so far. We just wanted to let you know of an upcoming change regarding the way that we deliver our telehealth appointments. From today, our we will be delivering our online therapy via Doxy.Me. We recommend connecting to Doxy.Me 10-15 minutes before your appointment time, so that you can download any apps or browser extensions and create a patient profile, if these are required. We have tested a few telehealth and online meeting systems over the last few weeks and believe that our clients will like this change. This facility has worked well in testing and provides a stable, confidential online environment. For the first month or so, we will be creating a buffer between clients so that we can allow time at the beginning/end to … [Read more...] about Attention all Hypnotic Universe hypnotherapy clients
What is it like to be a hypnotherapist?
I remember when I was training to be a clinical hypnotherapist and how we were encouraged to practice on clients from about 6 months or so into the course. Once I started seeing clients though, it really wasn't long at all before I realised that hypnotherapy really works. I mean, it really works! I even remember how one client was visibly shaken at just how much she recalled when we were doing some regression work. I'd taken her right back to her first day at school and she even managed to recall the covers and names of books that were on a bookshelf. It was at this point that I realised 2 things: How powerful hypnotherapy can be and How I probably should have warned my client that she'd remember things so clearly But on that last point, I really didn't know that she would … [Read more...] about What is it like to be a hypnotherapist?
Video call alternative to Zoom and MSTeams?
In this post, we suggested a Zoom alternative that you might already be paying for. However, we've also received a suggestion from a video-call provider, who are used frequently by GP's and some NHS facilities. And the best news? It's free! Obviously I can't guarantee it will stay that way, but it's worth giving it a go. I took a look last night and it does look very promising. Check out Doxy.Me now. Need help? We offer hypnotherapy both online and face to face, as well as in your own home, if you're a blue badge holder living within approx' 10 miles of WF14 9ED. To book, just send us your availability over the next 10 to 14 days and we'll set up an initial consultation, to see how we can help you move on with your life: Use our online contact form. Via text/SMS to 07808 … [Read more...] about Video call alternative to Zoom and MSTeams?