What is anxiety?
According to Medline Plus, anxiety is a feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness. It is a common issue that affects many people. Mental Health Foundation explain that in 2022/23, an average of 37.1% of women and 29.9% of men reported high levels of anxiety
The main characteristics of anxiety include excessive worrying, muscle tension, and a sense of dread, all of which can disrupt daily life and overall functioning. If left untreated, anxiety can worsen, leading to insomnia, a weakened immune system, and strained social relationships.
Hypnotherapy can be an effective treatment option for those seeking relief, especially when paired with other interventions (though that isn’t necessarily required). Its power lies in addressing the root of anxiety at the subconscious level, where it originates. Hypnotherapy helps individuals break negative thought patterns and core beliefs that trigger anxiety, offering genuine recovery and a way to reclaim mental well-being.
Understanding anxiety and its causes
Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is marked by heightened vigilance and concern without specific triggers and across a wide range of situations. Symptoms include – but are not limited to – palpitations, scattered thoughts, physical restlessness and agitation. Some people experience these symptoms sporadically, while others endure constant anxiety, even in their sleep. It is worth mentioning however, that not everybody who has anxiety has GAD.
While the causes of anxiety vary, they are often anchored by stress, traumatic experiences, and ingrained beliefs or fears. Additionally, factors such as genetics, environment, and learned behaviours can contribute to anxiety disorders.
A significant aspect of anxiety lies within the subconscious mind, which holds patterns and reactions that drive these responses. Addressing these patterns is often the key to managing anxiety and achieving lasting change.
What is hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a technique that guides individuals into a state of heightened awareness, which allows access to the subconscious mind. Most people find very relaxing. Unlike stage hypnosis, clinical hypnotherapy is a professional and purposeful practice. Clinical hypnotherapists work to change and revisit fixed beliefs and ingrained patterns that contribute to anxiety.
During a hypnotherapy session, the therapist leads the client into a state that facilitates cognitive processing and promotes relaxation. Contrary to common misconceptions, clients remain in full control and cannot be compelled to do anything against their will. This understanding often reassures clients, making treatment more comfortable. The hypnotic state is similar to the state between daydreaming and falling asleep.
Benefits of hypnotherapy
The benefits of hypnotherapy include symptom reduction, increased self-awareness, and the transformation of negative thought patterns into positive ones. By addressing the root causes of anxiety, hypnotherapy offers lasting recovery without side effects.
Techniques used in hypnotherapy for anxiety
There are many different techniques, but the top three that we use are:
Progressive relaxation
This basic hypnotherapy technique focuses on releasing tension. The therapist guides the individual through a process of relaxing each muscle group, reducing physical symptoms of anxiety such as muscle tension and shallow breathing. This method creates a state of relaxation, allowing the client to stabilise their emotions. Over time, clients become more aware of tension in their bodies, helping them address it before it escalates.
Guided imagery
Positive visualisation involves asking the patient to imagine calming scenarios, such as a clear sea beach or a lush green forest, to distract the mind from stress. This technique not only soothes but also reinforces positive thinking. In guided imagery, the person may see the sea, hear the sound of waves, feel the sand, and sense the sea breeze, creating a powerful, immersive experience.
Suggestion therapy
This technique uses positive affirmations to alter the subconscious mind’s responses. Replacing negative thoughts with positive statements like “I am calm and in control” helps rewire the brain’s thinking patterns. Over time, clients become accustomed to these affirmations, which reshape their self-perception and enhance their resilience.
Examples of success with hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy for anxiety has brought significant improvements to many individuals’ lives. For instance, a young professional with public speaking anxiety overcame her fear of presenting in meetings at work, through guided imagery and suggestion therapy.
Success stories like these highlight the profound and lasting impact hypnotherapy can have on mental health.
Interested in giving hypnotherapy a chance?
If you’d like to know how we can help you reach your goals, please get in touch. We offer online and face-to-face hypnotherapy to people living in numerous countries worldwide.