Special Place for Over-thinkers – Script in PDF Format


This script is available as part of our Script Library – a simple, economical way of creating hypnotherapy sessions for yourself and your clients. This file is available in 2 formats: MS Word (editable) and PDF (not editable).

It is vitally important that our clients feel confident and safe throughout our therapeutic process. With that in mind, we can create a special place where they can go to, any time they’d like to. We have successfully used this script and an induction, deepener and in anxiety management.

This particular script is good for over-thinkers, who find their thoughts racing from place to place, as it gives them something more concrete on which to focus. Some suggested places, sights, sounds and smells are provided, but ultimately, it’s up to the client to create the various places in their mind.

The script can be used to deepen the hypnotic trance, for relaxation and stress and anxiety management.


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